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I'm Sasiya

I am a student at RMK College, pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science. Welcome to my Portfolio where you can find information about my skills and projects.


I am Sasiya,student at RMK College, pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science. I am passionate about Web Development, Machine Learning, and Software Engineering.I am passionate about overcoming challenges and devising innovative solutions that drive progress. I am constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow in these fields.Through my academic journey and personal projects, I have developed a solid foundation in programming languages such as C, C++, SQL and Java. I am excited to share my work and connect with others who share my passion for technology and innovation.


  1. C
  2. C++
  3. SQL
  4. Java
  5. HTML
  6. CSS
  7. JavaScript
  8. Python


  1. Portfolio : Built using HTML and CSS
  2. Landing Page & Calculator : Built using HTML and CSS
  3. Bus Management : CRUD Application

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